pier francis turns two!

Last weekend we celebrated our Pier Francis turning TWO.  Wasn't it just yesterday we were celebrating his first? And bringing him home from the hospital? I can hardly believe it.

We did birthday presents and cake a day early because Brad had to work on Pier's actual birthday, but it ended up being the most perfect, simple day.  For the past month I had been teaching Pier how old he is and how on his birthday he will eat cake and open gifts.  He's been SO excited for birthday cake and to blow out his candles.  It's those little things that make my heart melt as a mama.  

I tried my best to make his cake special (because, guys, just look at the excitement on his face!), but being so pregnant mistakes were bound to happen right ;)...I forgot to add sugar to cake number 1 and cake attempt number two resulted in an under baked creation.  At least I tried to make it pretty with mint and flowers from our garden?  Pier helped me decorate! Then we had a laid back pizza dinner with our dear friends the Archuals and their three kids.  We roasted s'mores in our backyard and played with Pier's new birthday toys and simply enjoyed watching our kids be kids.  My kind of birthday party!

Happy birthday, my Pier Francis.  You are so full of life and love and joy.  You are smart and curious and cautious.  You love trucks and building big towers more and more everyday.  You give the wettest kisses and the sweetest shy smiles.  My favorite word you say is "crocodile" and my favorite things to do together is dancing, cooking, and watering the garden.  Watching you discover the world is one of my greatest joys as your mother.  Just one look in those big blue eyes and I'm a goner.  I'm thankful for all that you've taught me these past two years.  I hope I can be the mama you deserve because I love you more than I knew was possible.