We got our Christmas tree in this weekend and, since the season is full of good news, we thought it would be a perfect time to tell you ours...Baby Fossier #2 is on the way! Which is why I've been a bit silent on this space over the past few weeks ;). This little one is already so loved and prayed for. And of course, I'm super excited to watch Pier become a big brother. He's a mamas boy through and through, so he mighhhht be in for a rude awakening in a few months.
“‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you...”
I'm about 9 weeks along and due July 8, 2017. So far this pregnancy has been a breeze compared to my pregnancy with Pier (I was so sick with him I could barely stand!). I'm still really fatigued and get morning sickness at night, but other than that we're just taking it day by day. The cold weather is pretty much begging us to stay in our PJs all day and cuddle so that's been perfect for this very tired mama.
Pier is such an analytical little boy...it takes a lot for him to smile in a picture! Which is why he's Mr. Serious in every single photo. Still cute of course.
I would so appreciate your prayers for a healthy pregnancy for baby and me. Although we are beyond excited to welcome another baby Fossier, pregnancy is super overwhelming at times and I'm still nervous about navigating the logistics of being a mom of two under two. I also would like to take a moment to recognize those friends who are struggling having babies of their own -- I realize that this announcement might bring up a lot of pain and I want you to know that you're not alone. Every time I want to complain about the aches and pains that growing new life brings, I will carry you in my heart and offer a prayer for you.
Have a peaceful Advent + exciting countdown to Christmas!