Little Pier is growing up, y'all! Can you believe it's been 3 months? We officially are out of the fourth trimester and, to be honest, I feel like I can do anything after those first few months with a newborn!
He is the cutest, snuggliest, sweetest baby, and he's the best teacher I've ever had. He's taught me more about God's love and mercy in these past weeks than I could have ever imagined.That 12 pound boy has also taught me that I have so much to learn in the art of motherhood. Pure, genuine love is self sacrificing in the truest sense and I have become more aware of how to love others better by mothering this little baby.
Now for a few developments! Month 2 was R-O-U-G-H -- my child was allergic to sleep, extremely fussy, and was clingy as could be...Brad was working long, long hours and I was getting 3 hours of sleep on a good night. Then something beautiful happened over the past 2 weeks...He's still a very temperamental sleeper, but he's been a happier more relaxed baby lately and I'm not complaining at all :). He's starting to love play time and is cooing like crazy (I'm happy our conversations aren't one-sided anymore!)
Those baby smiles make me weak in the knees! I'm constantly reminded with each smile Pier gives me that this child serves as a tangible reminder of God's love for me. And within the last few days he's been smiling every time he sees me or Brad, so I get a lot of reminders in that area:).
A few things I'm learning about Mr. Pier...
He doesn't like s'mores as much as his mama does...
He loves to sleep on his tummy! Which is not recommended gotta do what you gotta do when your child hates sleep.
Pier has officially discovered his hands! And currently they are his favorite toy. When he's not accidentally slapping himself in the face, he always has them folded in ready-to-pray position (probably foreshadowing how holy he will be right?! ;))
It's been a blast to watch him change over the course of just a few months. Babies are so fun because there's always a new developmental milestone to look forward to! Here's to another great month!